
Friday, June 21, 2013

Waiting for September

This afternoon after work, I was making bread and my thoughts drifted to Maguire.  He's my oldest, my little prince.  He loves helping in the kitchen, especially when it comes to making bread.  He is in Texas visiting with his Ma Ma and his father.  Every year since he was about three, he's spent the summer with them.   I didn't always like these trips, but they were a part of our custody agreement.  He normally visits his Ma Ma and father for the majority of the summer starting the first week after school ends until a week or two before school starts back up. 

This year is a little different though.  Maguire will finish up in Texas and then go straight to San Diego, CA and stay with my mother.  (Hubs and I transfer later on this year there, me in September and he in October.)  I won't see my oldest until I move.  It upsets me a little, but I know that he's happy!  

He loves seeing his Ma Ma, father, and all the other family that he sees when he visits.  He will have a million stories.  He also normally grows while he's gone and comes back looking like a different kid each time.  His visits seems to last forever, but they really aren't all that long.  Kennedy loves when he's gone since she gets to be an only child, or at least she did before Sylvia was here.  We normally spend a lot of one on one time with her so that she gets to have some of her own stories to tell Maguire when he's back home again.  

Sharing a child with the other parent is hard.  Communication is key.  There is a whole different set of rules, family, and feelings to contend with.  Maguire is pretty flexible, he's gone his whole life living this way.  I have always been honest with him about his father and I.  He's asked and I've answered that we just didn't work well together, which really is the truth.  He knows that he has two families that love him and miss him when he's not with them.  

Now I'll just sit here waiting patiently for September.

Maguire helping out in the kitchen wearing the apron Grandma made him.

His 9th Birthday party was mustache themed.

Posing at the Perdido Kids Park in Pensacola, FL.

Waiting on Sylvia.

I love this kid!

Our going away party at Lambert's in Foley, AL.  He loves this place, but just wasn't in the mood for a photo.


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